TEDx is a series of independent events, bringing together local communities, individuals who share common beliefs worth promoting. It is a non-profit organization, established 30 years ago in California, to ensure that the ideas generated in different parts of the world have the opportunity to reach the widest possible audience through TED conferences.

TED. The three letters stand for Technology, Entertainment, Design. Initially, due to its proximity to Silicon Valley, the conferences concentrated mainly upon technology. However, they are now also concerned with science, culture and basically every area of human life. There have been five editions to date in Koszalin, two of which Meden-Inmed has participated in as a Gold Sponsor. A total number of more than 1,800 participants have been able to attend and together watch 41 performances both in Polish and English.
What is this all about? The scheme is pretty simple. Each speaker gets 18 minutes to tell an inspiring story. Among the participants there were and are many prominent personalities, politicians, writers, actors, scientists, Nobel Prize winners, but also many ‘ordinary’ people who simply wish to share something inspiring they have done or an experience, that they have had. One of the speakers was also our personal HR Business Partner – Agnieszka Marczak. Thanks to this initiative, Koszalin is filled with inspiring stories and subjects for discussion on a variety of topics, and we are really proud to be a part of it.